Monthly Archives: November 2011

Assignments up until November 19th.

—1. 1 page essay on “Why are projects like Upward Bound important?”
—2. 2 page paper on “Attitude & Choice”, after seeing the film What the Bleep Do We Know?
—3. Biography of your adopted author.
—4. Violence in the Media questionnaire. (Reading comprehension assignment)
—5. Outline practice (in class exercise)
—6. 2 research topic proposals
—7.  Thesis of your research topic
—8. Outline (5 paragraph style)
—9. Body (3 body paragraphs)
—10. Conclusion (Today, Nov 19.)

November 12th Class

Dear Upward Bound students,

On tomorrow’s class we will be working on the body of our on-going essay practice.  Bring your topics, outline and thesis statement so we can start working on organizing our ideas in the body of our paper.  We will have a presentation on how to construct a well organized and cohesive paragraph and we will practice in class. Bring any material you have collected in order to get the ideas on to your essay. Bring your notes, articles or any other material to work in class.

Also, tomorrow I expect every single one of you to have your adopted author’s book. I will ask you to give the class a brief glimpse into the biography of your author.

Leave ALL of your excuses at home.

H. Ugarte